Our Mission
Our mission is to offer safe, reliable, and efficient services to the shipping community. We utilize the most modern equipment and well-trained employees possible. And we strive to provide our employees with opportunities to build on foundations of strong family values.
Jaro's three divisions offer drivers and independent contractors options: - local haulers are home daily, regional haulers are home weekends and occasionally through the week, and dedicated hauls are home weekends and usually twice during the week.
The Jaro fleet has been growing each year and the company plans steady, controlled growth of about 10% - 15% per year. We are actively seeking acquisitions to fuel our growth. The company is also developing their logistics operations to better serve their customers. The extensive use of internet technologies will help Jaro to implement the next phase of their growth.
If you would like more information about this growing company, call us at (888) 636-JARO.
Company History
Jaro Transportation Services Inc. was founded shortly after the Motor Carrier Act of 1980, which deregulated trucking. Jaro began a regional flatbed operation servicing primarily steel producers in Ohio and automotive manufacturers in Detroit Michigan.
Today our fleet consists of 250 units servicing all 48 states and Canada. We provide service from most of the U.S. steel and aluminum producers, processors, and ports. Transporting nearly 1 million tons annually.
Jaro is located midway between New York and Chicago providing potential service to over 70% of all U.S. manufacturing and retail sales.